About Us

This is Jonathan: Founder & CEO
In early 2021, Jonathan discovered Bitcoin. He suddenly realized that he had been looking for it his whole life - he just hadn't been aware of it.
Jonathan jumped headfirst into the Rabbit Hole after taking his first steps. Since then, he's been soaking up all the knowledge he can find on the subject of Bitcoin: Books, podcast, videos, ... simply everything!
Founding his company Plebstyle in January 2023 was the next logical step. Even before founding, he designed a backup solution for himself and friends, following the ideology "Don't Trust, Verify". When it comes to code, this ideology is a given. But when it comes to backup solution materials, the decision is based on trusting what manufacturers say.
Since graduating as a mechanical engineer in 2009, Jonathan has worked in the metalworking industry, most recently serving as global head of IT and digitalization. He brings his knowledge and experience to Plebstyle. Ultimately, the self-imposed mission is to bring Bitcoin closer to people and spread the ideology behind it. What for? For a better world!